SPARTA, Magoula - 2005
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Outillage/armement - Mosaïque - Maison - Gymnase - Bains - Parure/toilette - Établissement sportif - Espace public - Nécropole
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Sparta, Magoula (Nikolaros property). A. Themos, E. Zavvou (formerly Ε’ ΕΠΚΑ, now Epigraphical Museum), C. Pickersgill (Nottingham) and M. Tsouli (Ε’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on rescue excavation which revealed architectural remains connected with the second- to third-century AD Arapissa Baths immediately to the north of the plot. These date initially to the second century, with some rearrangement made during the course of the third. In the fourth century a hall (10x8m) with an exedra on the southwest side and a mosaic floor was built over them. The central part of the mosaic was divided into eight panels with scenes from the palaistra. The structure is characterised as a teaching room in a gymnasium. Following a destruction event late in the fourth century, it changed function and a central dividing wall was inserted. Other parts of the original building were reused and remodelled in the late fourth or early fifth century to form a house: finds include cooking pots, a bobbin-shaped support and an iron tripod fire-stand.
Following the abandonment of the area, graves were opened in the remains (part of a larger cemetery also found on the Papasotiriou and Agathia plots). Sixteen graves were found in the upper excavation level, four of which (13-16) were inside the hall with the mosaic floor with a fifth (11) built into its east wall. Two (15 and 16) had walls of stone and brick in a herringbone pattern. Grave 13 was also a built tomb with mortar on the interior. Grave goods include oinochoae of different sizes, cups, iron knives and jewellery (silver earrings, rings and glass beads) all dating to the seventh century.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
A. Themos, E. Zavvou, C. Pickersgill and M. Tsouli, ‘’Υστερη ρωμαική κεραμική από την περιοχή της κώμης της Πιτάνης στη Σπάρτη', in D. Papanikola-Bakirtzi and D. Kousoulakou (eds), Κεραμεικη της Ύστερης Αρχαιότητας από τον Ελλαδικό Χώρο (3ος -7ος αι. μ.Χ.) (Thessaloniki 2010), 743-762.
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2012-07-19 00:00:00
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2023-10-10 13:19:50