Vlachopoulo - 2010
Vlachopoulo. Agios Giorgios. Mihali Kappas and Labrini Bouza (26th EBA) report on excavations that took place around the perimeter of the building to counteract damp and to complete the landscaping of the surrounding area. A trench to the W of the church was the main focus and its purpose was the investigation of the foundation of the church. The finds reveal that the space was used from the 12th century AD until the present day. Reported finds were pottery of different periods. The parallel discovery of modern finds, such as many bones, glass, nails, metal foils, and frames of spectacles, even at deep levels shows that it is a later deposition. The excavation trench showed that the floor was made initially from beaten earth and not from stone or clay pavers.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 768.
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