Dymi - Tsigganika - 2011
Kato Achaia
Tsigganika settlement, Dymi Municipality, Kato Ahaia. Vasileios Argyropoulos reports on the excavations held in various spots of the city of Kato Ahaia, due to the construction of infrastructure for the collection of rainwater in the Tsigganika settlement.
In the corner of Flemming Str. and Rasti Str., three walls were located, which were dated in the Hellenistic times, along with conical loomweights, Hellenistic sherds and late Hellenistic Laconic tile sherds.
Around Block 77, in the E and S edges of it, five destruction layers were located. They consisted of Laconic tile sherds, few pottery sherds and parts of walls, all dated in the Hellenistic times. A burial was also located, in the S edge of the aforementioned block. It was a tile-roof chamber tomb, and its insides were completely destroyed, so only one bone of the deceased individual was identified. The base of a Hellenistic vessel was considered to be part of the burial’s grave-goods. A bronze coin and two miniature vessels were found in the perimeter of the grave
[Entry created by E. Kourti]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 403-404
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