Chronique des fouilles en ligne - AGO
Larissa, Larisa-Δ.Δ.Λαρίσης
Legend :

location of excavation/archaeological operation

location of modern place

polygon of place (AG Online)

Functionalities of the map :

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Geometry :
POLYGON ((22.401926 39.650626, 22.384073 39.636614, 22.377893 39.625244, 22.392313 39.610699, 22.426988 39.596944, 22.449648 39.594827, 22.440948 39.61997, 22.4675 39.628153, 22.453767 39.638994, 22.428362 39.657234, 22.413599 39.658027, 22.401926 39.650626))