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Zominthos, Crete. Excavation of the Central Building continued under the direction of E. Sapouna Sakellaraki (Fig. 1).
Excavation in Areas 7, 8, and 9 revealed many fragments of polychrome wall paintings (Fig. 2). Areas 8 and 9 produced two stone constructions, and a mass of pottery was found among layers of plaster in Area 7 (Fig. 3).
In Area 10 (central passageway), walls were preserved to a height of 2.3-2.5m with openings into Areas 9, 21 and 26. Finds included: a pithos, a chalice, conical cups and cups of other types, and a brazier fallen from the upper storey (Figs 4-5). The upper layers in this area contained black glaze pottery of historical periods and engraved bone objects (Fig. 6). More intact beams were recovered from the upper floors of the Minoan building.
In Area 26, a number of large blocks hampered excavation. A wall divided the area into north and south sections, now numbered 53, into which had fallen from the upper storey a well-crafted bronze cup in fragments (Fig. 7) as well as two kylikes, one of which contained astragaloi and the other goat horn.
In Area 19, as in 28 and 49, a stratum from the upper storey contained a floor of compacted red clay and timbers, while the lower level (ground floor) had a floor of schist slabs. Area 19 included a light-well from which had fallen the steps of a large staircase.
The ground floor in Area 28 was also paved with schist slabs, and produced Late Minoan IA ceramics. The most significant finds came mostly from the floor of the upper storey; a Late Minoan IA bronze figurine had fallen from the upper storey (fig. 8). At the southeast corner of Area 28, two doors led to the ground floor of Areas 26 and 36. Two small areas, 54 and 55, west of Area 28 served perhaps for storage (Area 55) and as a θυρωρεῖο (Area 54). From the upper storey came a seal depicting a scorpion (Fig. 9).
In Area 49, beneath a layer of earth and wood, was a floor of schist slabs, a threshold to passageway 18, and a deposit with cups of various types (mainly conical). In room 30, of Protopalatial date, was the eastern section of the paved floor with a sloped passageway above.
The Central Building at Zominthos exhibits palatial characteristics (Fig. 10) with many wall paintings, staircases, a lustral basin, and important finds.
Robert PITT
Bibliographic reference(s)
Ergon (2012), pp. 79-84.
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Date of creation
2013-07-02 00:00:00
Last modification
2023-10-13 11:44:45