Riolos - 2010
Riolos, Property of Ch. Tsipa. Vasileos Argyropoulos (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of a cemetery of cist graves and the remains of 2 buildings of unknown date. In the SE part, 9 cist graves were found which were built with sandstone slabs. The graves were orientated E-W and all were covered with stone slabs. In all the graves except one, very few skeletal remains were found. Nevertheless, it was determined that the head was placed to the W.
In the N of the property, a corner of a building made by the meeting of 2 walls was discovered. From the property in general very few pieces of pottery were collected and dating was not possible. The style of the walls’ construction suggests a date in antiquity.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 895-896.
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