PHANEROMENI - Chiliomodi - 2009
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Phaneromeni, Chiliomodi. E. Korka (Ministry of Culture) publishes a monolithic Archaic limestone sarcophagus with a painted scene on the interior of the lid, discovered in situ during the opening of a water channel in 1984, at a site in the territory of ancient Tenea. The interior walls of the sarcophagus (interior dimensions 1.7 x 0.69m, depth 0.5m; lid 2 x 0.9m, thickness 0.15m) were plastered and had painted decoration of two horizontal red bands separated by an off-white band. The scene on the interior of the lid, set within a wide red border, depicted (in purplish-black and red paint on a white ground) two confronted lions with heads turned back and raised paws, over a central red and yellow palmette.
The sarcophagus contained a single inhumation in extended position and two Early Corinthian vases, a pyxis-kalathos, and a pattern pyxis with convex walls (without handles) with warrior group decoration on the body and a ram-bearer on the lid. Although the stratum below the sarcophagus did not contain pottery, sherds collected from the trench around and above it include decorated Archaic Corinthian material such as warrior group aryballoi.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
E. Korka, in K. Kissas and W.-D. Niemeier (eds), The Corinthia and the Northeast Peloponnese (Munich 2013), 305-311.
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Date de création
2014-07-29 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-18 07:20:59
Fig. 3/ Phaneromeni, Chiliomodi, the sarcophagus in the storeroom of the Ancient Corinth Museum, July 2008.