Kopani, Ioannina - 2009
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Kopani, Ioannina. Christos Kleitsas and Eleni Kotzampopoulou (ΑΙΗΣ / IB’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on the excavation of a Hellenistic period cemetery at this site. The main objectives were to continue work in Areas 1 and 3, and Area 2 in the N sector (Fig. 1) to better understand the stratigraphy; and to extend the excavation S in the area of the ancient cemetery.
In Area 1, a π-shaped burial precinct, a cist grave was discovered (Fig. 2). To the E, after clearing a destruction deposit, small amounts of pottery, bronze nails and bones were found. No other graves were found. This leads the excavators to believe that use of the burial precinct was relatively short-lived.
The space between Area 1 and Area 2 was filled with building material (Fig. 3). Excavations revealed more details of the stratigraphy and of the nearby walls’ construction.
In the S sector, a further cist grave (Grave 7) was found with dimensions 2.1 x 1.05m, oriented NS. It does not have a cover slab, but contained within it pieces of bronze tools. The deceased were laid inside EW, alongside a few black sherds and a lamp, with some evidence of burning. Grave 8 was also discovered, with internal dimensions 1x0.5m, containing human bones. To the W, another funerary structure, square in plan and made of four limestone slabs 0.4 x 0.45m (Fig. 6), Further to the N, another grave of a similar character was found, containing glass pieces, several human bones, a bronze spearhead and two conical loomweights.
In Area 1, a π-shaped burial precinct, a cist grave was discovered (Fig. 2). To the E, after clearing a destruction deposit, small amounts of pottery, bronze nails and bones were found. No other graves were found. This leads the excavators to believe that use of the burial precinct was relatively short-lived.
The space between Area 1 and Area 2 was filled with building material (Fig. 3). Excavations revealed more details of the stratigraphy and of the nearby walls’ construction.
In the S sector, a further cist grave (Grave 7) was found with dimensions 2.1 x 1.05m, oriented NS. It does not have a cover slab, but contained within it pieces of bronze tools. The deceased were laid inside EW, alongside a few black sherds and a lamp, with some evidence of burning. Grave 8 was also discovered, with internal dimensions 1x0.5m, containing human bones. To the W, another funerary structure, square in plan and made of four limestone slabs 0.4 x 0.45m (Fig. 6), Further to the N, another grave of a similar character was found, containing glass pieces, several human bones, a bronze spearhead and two conical loomweights.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 64 (2009), Chr., 645-9
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Date de création
2021-02-02 11:10:45
Dernière modification
2024-02-06 10:33:39
Fig. 2/ The smaller burial enclosure (Area 1) before the removal of the in interior destruction deposit. Grave 1 to the left. View from S