Santinia plot, Marmara - 2007
Marmara, Sadovitsa
Santinia plot, Marmara. Christos Kleitsas (IB’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on excavations conducted at this site.
A ceramic kiln was discovered (Fig. 1) with dimensions 3.80 x 5.70m, oriented SE-NW. It consists of two elongated and parallel combustion chambers. The wall of the kiln was made of bricks and was coated with clay. Immediately to the N, an octagonal shallow pit was found (1.20 x 1.80m). Two refuse pits were also found, 1.30 x 4.35m and 2.30 x 2.75m.
From inside and outside the kiln, a small number of bricks and ceramics were found, eleven triangular loom weights and glass fragments. A few stone tools were found. The finds are insufficient to date the structure. It is possible that the kiln dates to the Roman period.
ADelt 62 (2007), Chr., 782
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