Agriana (field of M. and Eu. Viskadourou) - 2010
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Chersonissos, Chersonisos
Chersonissos, Chersonisos
Notices et opérations liées
Municipality of Hersonissos, Agriana (field of M. and Eu. Viskadourou). Stella Mandalaki (ΚΓ’ EPKA) reports that in this field, covering 3.2000 m2, plenty of archaeological evidence were identified (scattered building material and pottery) dating to the Protopalatial and Roman times. In Trench A, a fragment probably belonging to a wall and two floor fragments dating to the Minoan period based on the pottery, were detected. In Trench B the foundation of a strong Minoan wall from worked slabs which was built ad novo during the Roman period was unearthed. A small gap on the later Roman wall might be part of an entrance opening. In relation to the opening, fallen tile fragments and part of an earthen floor were found. Underneath the level of the Roman floor, Minoan pottery of the Protopalatial period was detected. In Trench Γ a destruction layer of the Minoan period which might originate from the interior of the destroyed room was unearthed under the disrupted deposit. In Trench Δ the excavation did not extend under the level of the distrupted deposit.
The discovery of a Minoan wall in the adjoining provincial road, western of the field during the works for the creation of a water supply network from the Aposelemis dam is also noted, as well as the frequent scattering of pottery of the Minoan and Roman times in the adjoining olive tree fields, parallel to the north slope of the new national road Heraklion-Agios Nikolaos, a fact that proves the extent of the Minoan-Roman settlement.
[Entry created by K. Christakis and translated by C. Koureta]
The discovery of a Minoan wall in the adjoining provincial road, western of the field during the works for the creation of a water supply network from the Aposelemis dam is also noted, as well as the frequent scattering of pottery of the Minoan and Roman times in the adjoining olive tree fields, parallel to the north slope of the new national road Heraklion-Agios Nikolaos, a fact that proves the extent of the Minoan-Roman settlement.
[Entry created by K. Christakis and translated by C. Koureta]
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 934-5
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Date de création
2020-10-05 08:43:26
Dernière modification
2024-01-19 09:43:14