Megara. 12 K. Schina Street, O.T. 151 - 2012
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Antiquité - Classique - Hellénistique - Romain
Période byzantine - Protobyzantine - Médiobyzantine - Tardobyzantine
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
domestic remains, as well as a wall of classical-Roman date.
Early to Late Byzantine remains include three walls, whose intersection demarcates two rooms. Room was found to the S with dimensions 4.05 x 2.70m. It was paved in the northernmost part. Room 2 was found to the N, with dimensions 2.35 x 2.60-2.70m. A small area of paved floor was removed, and pottery collected from the Byzantine and Late Roman periods.
From the Classical and Postclassical periods, walls came to light in the N and W part of the plot. Dating was done on the basis of pottery found associated with these walls.
Early to Late Byzantine remains include three walls, whose intersection demarcates two rooms. Room was found to the S with dimensions 4.05 x 2.70m. It was paved in the northernmost part. Room 2 was found to the N, with dimensions 2.35 x 2.60-2.70m. A small area of paved floor was removed, and pottery collected from the Byzantine and Late Roman periods.
From the Classical and Postclassical periods, walls came to light in the N and W part of the plot. Dating was done on the basis of pottery found associated with these walls.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 69 (2014), Chr., 116-9
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Date de création
2020-07-31 09:54:56
Dernière modification
2020-07-31 09:55:05