Acropolis, Klepsydra court - 2014
Informations Générales
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Acropolis, Acropole
Acropolis, Acropole
Notices et opérations liées
Acropolis, Klepsydra court. Sofia Moschonisioti and Eutuchia Giannikapani (A’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on discoveries made following the opening of a trench in the restoration and conservation work on the North Slopes of the Acropolis.
A trench was opened measuring 0.5 x 11m, excavated to a depth of 0.7m, and located across the N wall of the courtyard towards the drainage zones of the N and E walls. Several pipes were found during the excavation. During the removal of various stones in the E, N and W part of the floor (for the construction of a reservoir and pump), unpainted and black painted sherds were found, and several animal bones. About 1.46-1.66m from the surface, unworked large stones were found. In two of the main excavation sectors, the stratigraphy showed signs of flooding, thought to be associated with the overflowing of the Kelpsydra.
A trench was opened measuring 0.5 x 11m, excavated to a depth of 0.7m, and located across the N wall of the courtyard towards the drainage zones of the N and E walls. Several pipes were found during the excavation. During the removal of various stones in the E, N and W part of the floor (for the construction of a reservoir and pump), unpainted and black painted sherds were found, and several animal bones. About 1.46-1.66m from the surface, unworked large stones were found. In two of the main excavation sectors, the stratigraphy showed signs of flooding, thought to be associated with the overflowing of the Kelpsydra.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 69 (2014), Chr., 61
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Date de création
2020-07-29 11:31:38
Dernière modification
2024-01-19 09:24:45