Saravali, Alonia - 2008
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Saravali, Alonia (property of K. Giannopoulou and A. Biliri). Artemis Maniaki (ΣΤ’ΕΠΚΑ) reports on excavations at a cemetery and building dated to the Classical period (Fig. 1). In the north-eastern part of the property were six burials in pots and two tile covered graves, all dated to the Classical period. The pots used included a pithos, three pointed amphorae and two pointed pithoi (Fig. 2). Their stomia were sealed with a clay slab and some were embedded in a layer of stones. The bones were destroyed in all but two pots, one of which contained fragments of an infant skull. Very few grave goods were recovered, including a bronze strigil and animal knuckle-bones. Also discovered were two tile covered graves which included a Classical skyphos, a bronze Boeotian coin dated to the Classical period, animal knuckle-bones, a lekanida and a Classical clay figurine in the shape of a dove.
In the south-western part of the property was part of an elongate building dated to the Classical period, consisting of two walls forming a room in the shape of Π. The walls were made of rubble and mud while the interior of the room was filled with a destruction layer, probably from the collapsed roof.
In the south-western part of the property was part of an elongate building dated to the Classical period, consisting of two walls forming a room in the shape of Π. The walls were made of rubble and mud while the interior of the room was filled with a destruction layer, probably from the collapsed roof.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 64 (2009) Chr., 422-424
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Date de création
2020-06-13 10:41:36
Dernière modification
2024-01-18 09:36:58