Profitis Ilias Mamousias (ancient Keryneia) - 2007
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Profitis Ilias Mamousias (ancient Keryneia). Erofili-Iris Kolia (ΣΤ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on further investigation at the large peripteral Archaic-Classic temple as well as a smaller one (Fig. 1). To the north of the larger temple was part of the precinct wall. In the area between were large quantities of architectural remains and sculptures from the temple’s superstructure. To the west of the smaller temple was a layer of stones, hearth remains, many metal objects, clay figurines, animal bones and architectural fragment of the earlier larger temple, some of which are attributed to the first quarter of the 5th c. BC. It appears that this layer formed part of the deliberate levelling of the area prior to the laying of the foundations of the smaller temple; sometime during the 4th c. BC. Below this layer was a wall built of sandstone blocks (Fig. 2), with preserved length and width of 3.11 m. and 0.8-0.96 m respectively.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008) Chr., 518-519
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Date de création
2020-06-04 13:08:54
Dernière modification
2024-01-18 09:31:33