Patras, Kato Sychaina, Arministi and Mytika Street - 2007
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Patra, Patras, Patrai, Patrae
Patra, Patras, Patrai, Patrae
Notices et opérations liées
Patras, Kato Sychaina, Arministi and Mytika Street. Lambrini Papakosta (ΣΤ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of a settlement dated to the Mycenaean period (Fig. 1), with walls belonging to two phases, Late Helladic IIB to IIIC. Evidence for an earlier Middle Helladic phase was also present. The walls of the second phase were better preserved (Fig. 2), built from rubble and mud with a width of between 0.52-0.60 m. and preserved to a height of approximately 0.95 m. The rooms were generally small with pebble paved floors lined (Fig. 3) and a few pottery sherds.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008) Chr., 478
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Date de création
2020-06-04 11:57:38
Dernière modification
2024-01-18 09:19:58