LESBOS Harbours of Lesbos - 2008
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Harbours of Lesbos. A 2nd season of work was undertaken by a team under Th. Theodoulou (EMA) to map and photograph the harbours of Lesbos (Mytilene, Methymna, Antissa, Kalo Limani [Tsamour], Eressos, Pyrrha and Ag. Phokas), with particular reference to their submerged architecture.
At Methymna, part of the harbour mole of the 4thCt BC is preserved in excellent condition: its line reveals the different orientations of the anc. and mod. harbours. The remains of the harbour at Eressos, which lie in the area of the mod.fishery, show small architectural differences to the other harbours of the island, which may be chronologically significant. At the fishery at Ag. Phokas, near anc. Vrissa, plans were made of the face of the waterfront which is preserved in situ for a l. of 25m on the inner face of the breakwater. In the region of this harbour, the discovery of many constructions enriches our understanding of this relatively unknown region.
At Methymna, part of the harbour mole of the 4thCt BC is preserved in excellent condition: its line reveals the different orientations of the anc. and mod. harbours. The remains of the harbour at Eressos, which lie in the area of the mod.fishery, show small architectural differences to the other harbours of the island, which may be chronologically significant. At the fishery at Ag. Phokas, near anc. Vrissa, plans were made of the face of the waterfront which is preserved in situ for a l. of 25m on the inner face of the breakwater. In the region of this harbour, the discovery of many constructions enriches our understanding of this relatively unknown region.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
Ministry of Culture press release 12/12/08; see also the website of the National Technical University of Athens at http://www.limenoscope. ntua.gr.
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Date de création
2010-03-10 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-04 09:59:26