Olena, Vryses Paliolenas - 2008
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Oleni, Olena
Oleni, Olena
Notices et opérations liées
Olena, Vryses Paliolenas. Christos Matzanas (Z’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of the foundation of a parapet wall of a fountain, built using blocks of shell stone and sandstone, rubble and plaster (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5). Water flowed into the fountain through clay pipes from a nearby spring. A coin minted in the 2nd Venetian period indicates continuous use up until the 18th century. The fountain included two stone scuppers, one for human use and the other for animals (Fig. 1). Also collected were tiles and pottery sherds, some of which were post-Byzantine.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 64 (2009) Chr., 394-397
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Date de création
2020-06-02 14:14:37
Dernière modification
2024-01-17 09:48:36