Dimitsana, Gipedo - 2007
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Dimitsana, Gipedo (property of G. Petropoulou). Grigoris Grigorakakis (ΛΘ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the investigation of a wall which formed part of the fortifications of the ancient town of Teuthin (Τεύθιν). The wall consisted of a lower course of reused stones preserved over a length of 2.6 m., which were set directly on bedrock. Late Classical or Early Hellenistic pottery sherds were also collected. Towards the east, was another wall and between this and the fortification wall was an area of ash, soil and animal bones as well as pottery from the Archaic to Byzantine periods. The foundation of this wall was located within the ash layer and not set on bedrock. It probably served as a retaining wall and was constructed during the Roman period, with subsequent repairs carried out during the Late Roman or Byzantine periods.
[Entry created by V. Elephanti]
[Entry created by V. Elephanti]
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008) Chr., 377-379
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Date de création
2020-05-28 13:02:19
Dernière modification
2024-01-16 10:18:05