Kandalos, Manthyrea - 2007
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Année de l'opération
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Kandalos, Manthyrea. Stamatis Frintzilas (ΛΘ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on excavations in the area between the Church of Panagia Manthyrea and the road which links the modern town of Tripolis with the village of Manthyrea, where the ancient town, also called Manthyrea is located. Twelve sectors (A’-IB’) were investigated. Sectors (A and B) produced finds included building remains, roof tile fragments and sherds of undecorated and wheel made pottery. Sector (Γ) produced architectural remains related to a building aligned on a N-S axis, along with roughly shaped limestone blocks, large Laconic roof tiles and a few unpainted and black-glazed pottery sherds. The presence of charcoal within the deposit suggests that the building was probably destroyed by fire.
Sector (Δ’) produced part of a clay water pipe, remnants of an old building and unpainted pottery. Sector (Ε’) contained parts of two thick parallel walls (ΤΧ1 and ΤΧ2) (Fig. 1), a clay decorated mould and pottery, some of which was dated to the Early Hellenistic. The excavator believes that the walls formed part of a retaining feature built along the banks of a stream, in order to control flooding. In the same area was found part of a rubble wall, along with roof tiles, parts of large storage vessels and pottery attributed to the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Pottery of the Early Helladic was also found together with animal bones, charcoal and a bronze strap.
[Entry created by V. Elephanti]
Sector (Δ’) produced part of a clay water pipe, remnants of an old building and unpainted pottery. Sector (Ε’) contained parts of two thick parallel walls (ΤΧ1 and ΤΧ2) (Fig. 1), a clay decorated mould and pottery, some of which was dated to the Early Hellenistic. The excavator believes that the walls formed part of a retaining feature built along the banks of a stream, in order to control flooding. In the same area was found part of a rubble wall, along with roof tiles, parts of large storage vessels and pottery attributed to the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Pottery of the Early Helladic was also found together with animal bones, charcoal and a bronze strap.
[Entry created by V. Elephanti]
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008) Chr., 369-371
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Date de création
2020-05-28 12:50:36
Dernière modification
2024-01-16 10:14:52