Mantineia, Gortsouli - 2006
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Mantineia, Mantinea, Mantinée
Mantineia, Mantinea, Mantinée
Notices et opérations liées
Mantineia, Gortsouli (property of R. Tzamtzi). Stamatis Fratzilas (ΛΘ’ EΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of the partial remains of an old road on the plain of Mantineia (Figs. 1). The road was aligned on an E-W axis and its excavated length was 42 m., with a width of between 4.0-5.50 m (Fig. 3). It probably linked the sanctuaries on the hilltop acropolis of Gorstouli, with the towns on the plain of Mantineia below. In close proximity to the road was a child’s pithos burial of 1.10 m. in length and 1.75 m. in width, attributed to the Archaic period (Fig. 2).
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 62 (2007) Chr., 337-338
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Date de création
2020-05-26 16:57:36
Dernière modification
2024-01-16 10:12:33