Faneromeni - 2011
Municipality of Sitia, Faneromeni. Chrysa Sofianou (ΚΔ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that survey was conducted on the sites of Sopata and Messorachi in the area of Faneromeni. The procedure of Intensive survey was deemed necessary because in 2005 a tholos tomb of the EM period was excavated in Messorachi. In the entirety of the investigated area of 3.500 acres, ten sites in total were detected which are chronologically allocated as:
- One site of the Final Neolithic period in Sopata, b) five sites of the Early Minoan I period in Messorachi, c) two sites of the Middle Minoan I-II period in Sopata, d) a site of the Late Minoan I period in Messorachi, e) a site of the Archaic period in Messorachi.
In these sites, nine rural houses and glebes of the last 200 years should be included.
[Entry created by K. Christakis and translated by C. Koureta]
ADelt 67 (2012), Chr., 765
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