Mazi Plain - 2017
Oinoi, Mazi
Mazi plain (Eleusis-Oinoe). S. Fachard (Geneva/Swiss National Science Foundation), A.R. Knodell (Carleton College/ESAG), and Kalliopi Papangeli (Greek Ministry of Culture) report on the fourth and final season of the Mazi Archaeological Project (MAP). The 2017 objectives were the following: 1) conduct surveys at Oinoe and Kastanava, 2) clean and document the sites discovered in 2016, 3) study the material for the final publication of the results of this project.
Oinoe: The South Fortification Wall was surveyed (Fig. 1). Its foundations were built with large limestone blocks and measured 3.90m in thickness. Mudbricks were laid on top of the blocks to a height of 6-8ms. Finds from the area include 5th c. pottery and an arrowhead, and indicate that the wall was built in the 5th c. BC Structures dating to Roman Imperial times were also identified in the vicinity of the wall (Fig. 2). Moreover after surface cleaning, a domestic complex was discovered consisting of several rooms arranged around a central courtyard and two cisterns. Roman coins were found in this complex (Fig. 3).
Kato Kastanava: This prehistoric site was first identified in the 2016 season. In 2017 a small area was excavated. A large dry stone enclosure was found which contained large quantities of obsidian, and Final Neolithic and EHI pottery sherds.
Mesonychi: A classical farmstead was cleaned. It consisted of several rooms and a central courtyard. Small finds from the farmstead include classical pottery sherds and fragments from black-glazed tiles.
Finally, the plan of the Velatouri tower was completed in 2017 and a new 3D model was produced (Fig. 4).
[Entry created by C. Papadopoulou]
Unpublished field report, ESAG
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