Marathon - 2012
Marathon, Marathonas
Marathon, Klopa, Mpeka’s olive grove, Parodos Thessalias 47 (property of Varaklis). Pelli Fotiadi (B’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of a small part of a Classical and Roman cemetery. A grave was excavated made with tiles from drains and pan tiles, which contained few Classical pottery sherds. NE of this, a cist grave was found dating to Early Classical times containing a bronze mirror, a stone alabastron (Fig. 1), a small terracotta pyxis (Fig. 2) and a terracotta spindle whorl. NE of that, a Roman tile grave was discovered that contained a glass unguentarium, part of another glass vessel and a 2nd-3rd c. AD cook pot (Fig. 3). No bone remains were found.
The excavation was conducted by Pelli Fotiadi, A. Mousoura and I. Kleftaki.
[Entry created by C. Papadopoulou]
ADelt 68 (2013) Chr., 74-76
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