Acharnai - 2012
Acharnes, Acharnae, Menidi
Acharnai, Philadelpheias Street (DEH roadworks). Eirini Anagnostopoulou (B’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of two tile graves and parts of two intersecting walls. The first tile grave contained a skeleton in supine position and no burial offerings (Figs 1,2). The second tile grave contained few bones and a black-glazed lekythos (Figs 3,4). Black-glazed sherds dating to the first half of the 4th c. BC were found in the area of the walls (Fig. 5). The excavation was conducted by M.D. Manolidou.
[Entry created by C. Papadopoulou]
ADelt 68 (2013) Chr., 63-65
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