Salamis - 2008
Salamina, Salamis
Salamis, Thermopylae Street. Triadafyllia Kattoula (ΚΣΤ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on discoveries made during the construction of the city’s new sewer network.
At this site a cist grave was found, with dimensions 2.55 x 1.20m, oriented EW, and comprising two monolithic slabs. Inside the grave, remains were found of nine individuals. Grave goods included 22 vessels (of which 15 were alabsters, one kylix, two unpainted basins, one lechane, a Vapheio cup lined with bronze, a an oinochoe and a small jug), nine stone tools, five obsidian arrows, a stone loomweight, a steatite bead, eleven bronze weapons (a sword of Type A, a bronze spear, two dics, a chisel, two double-bladed knives, and three other knives). These finds are date between 1550-1450 BC (LHI-IIA).
ADelt 64 (2009), Chr., 245.
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