Salamis - 2007
Salamina, Salamis
Salamis, Olympos Street (O.T. 130, property of the school association). Triadafyllia Kattoula (ΚΣΤ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the excavation of the above plot. A wall 14.50m long was found oriented EW, next to which two EW oriented cist graves were located. The combined size of the two tombs was 6.50 m x 1.50m. 2.50m E of here there was a third grave, oriented NS and 3.80m in length. Human bones were found distributed around the area, along with finds of the Early and Middle Helladic periods. From counting the number of skulls, it is thought at least 37 adults were buried here.
Finds from Grave 1 and 2 included clay vessels, kylikes, jugs, closed vessels, three clay loomweights, one stone loomweight, one bronze fork, one stone, arrow tip, and a bone needle.
W of Grave 3 there were bones of six individuals, and a seventh skeleton was found in situ to the E. Finds included seven clay pots (including Mycenaean high-stemmed kylikes, grey and yellow wares, and jugs), two bronze buckles, and three clay loomweights.
S of the wall, there were two further cist graves discovered, oriented EW and spaced 1.30m apart. Skeletons were founded inside articulated with heads to the W. Pieces of bronze and corroded iron were found in the grave.
A fifth grave was also discovered, containing two spears, a sword, and two knives. Three vessels (two trefoil oinochoai and one kantharos) were found dating to the mid Geometric period.
ADelt 63 (2008), Chr., 213-4.
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