Megara - 2006
Megara, Salamina Street (O.T. 326, property of S. Mourtzoukou). Eirini Svana (Γ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of a section of poros stone wall, found 0.3m beneath the road surface. The wall was 0.0m wide, with a preserved height of 3.5m. The three lower parts of the wall extended 5.7m in length, while the upper parts were at least 6.75m. Protruding sections sit on a layer of dark brown soil without any ceramic finds. The second layer, however, was covered in a thick brown clay, containing a large amount of pottery from the fifth through mid third centuries BC. Below this was a compact brown (foundation?) layer, also filled with fifth century pottery. It has been suggested by the excavators that this was an unfinished foundation wall, later reused and repaired.
ADelt 62 (2007), Chr., 118-9
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