Megara - 2010
Megara, O.T. 412, plot of B. Papakonstantinou. Maria Tsichli (Γ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of four graves, four of which were cist graves. These were located outside the walls where dozens of graves from the Classical period onwards have been found.
Two cist graves were in poor condition owing to previous construction work. All three were oriented EW, and pottery from the surrounding area could date them to the mid 4th century B.C. The two damaged graves are at the S end of the plot. The third is 2.43m long and made of three separate slabs. It contained a skeleton in supine position, with the head to the E.
The fourth grave was made from six convex tiles, each measuring 0.70 x 0.35m. The skeleton was not in good condition, but was supine with the heading pointing E.
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 101
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