Megara - 2009
Megara, O.T. 438, property of K. Chita. Panagiota Avgerinou (Γ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of eight graves in the W part of this plot.
Graves 1-5 were dated to the Archaic period.
Grave 1: sarcophagus, oriented NS, with dimensions 1.07 x 0.46 x 0.58m. Infant skeleton in supine extended position with skull to S.
Grave 2: sarcophagus, oriented NS, with dimensions 1.50 x 0.41 x 0.60m. Skeleton in supine position. Corinthian aryballoi, fragments of three vessels, and pieces of two bronze buckles. 600–550 BC.
Grave 3: cist grave, oriented NS, with dimensions 1.60 x 0.67 x 0.45m. A few bones. Sherds from three Corinthian vessels, and an iron nail. 6th century BC. Sherds of Classical, Hellenistic and Roman period vessels were collected, that were intrusions into the grave.
Grave 4: sarcophagus, oriented NS, with dimensions 2.06 x 0.51 x 0.58m. Skeleton in supine extended position. Three Corinthian aryballoi and bronze rings on the fingers depicting a horse and rider. 6th century BC. A few sherds of the Roman period were collected.
Grave 5: sarcophagus, oriented Ew, with dimensions 1.86 x 0.47 x 0.56m. Skeleton in supine position with skull to E. Palms were placed on pelvis. Fragments of pottery vessels. 6th century BC.
Graves 6-8 were dated to the second half of the 4th century BC. They are all of the same shape and parallel orientation.
Grave 6: cist grave, oriented EW, with dimensions 1.90 x 0.51 x 0.65m. Commingled remains.
Grave 7: cist grave, oriented EW, with dimensions 1.94 x 0.52 x 0.65m. No bones. Two perfume containers, kantharos, two unpainted oinochoai and a jug. 350–300 BC.
Grave 8: cist grave, oriented EW, with dimensions 1.91 x 0.55 x 0.66m. Few bones scattered throughout the tomb. Two perfume containers, two miniature unpainted oinochoai and a lamp. 350–300 BC.
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 82-84
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