Megara - 2009
Megara, ‘Andreou Perivoli’ area, property of I. Kastani. Panagiota Avgerinou (Γ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of an ancient cemetery NE of the property of I. Kastani.
Grave 1: cist grave covered with three slabs, of which two survived in situ, while the third had fallen inside. Oriented EW, with dimensions 2 x 0.50m. A skeleton of an adult was found inside in supine extended position with hands parallel, and head facing E. Finds included a black-figure phiale, a small lamp and two oinochoai. 4th-3rd century B.C.
Grave 2: tile grave of Laconian type, oriented EW with dimensions 0.74 x 0.52m. No bones.
Grave 3: sarcophagus, oriented EW, with dimensions 2.04 x 0.51m. One skeleton of an adult in good condition and in supine position, laid on top of the bones of two others adults. Two perfume jars and a kantharos in the ‘west slope’ style. A silver coin was found with the second burial. 3rd century B.C.
Grave 4: skeleton of adult in supine position, poorly preserved. Oriented EW.
Grave 5: tile grave, oriented NS with dimensions 1.86 x 0.52m. A skeleton of an adult was poorly preserved in supine extended position. Laconian roof tiles, miniature lamp, miniature oinochoai and iron strigils.
Grave 6: amphora burial of infant, with maximum vessel length 0.52m. Finds included a red-painted breastplate with red spiral jewellery on the shoulder. 4th century B.C.
Grave 7: tile grave, covered by four tiles and with dimensions 1.95 x 0.47m. Adult skeleton in supine position, with hands parallel to torso and head to E. Poor preservation.
Grave 8: damaged grave, with no bones. A low-stemmed perfume jar was found inside.
Grave 9: tile grave, traces of adult skeleton in supine position, but in poor condition. Oriented EW with dimensions 1.41 x 0.44m.
Grave 10: sarcophagus, where only the E side was intact. Oriented EW, with dimensions 1.25 x 0.76m. Infant skull in very poor condition.
Grave 11: cist grave, made from sandstone and cochlear plates. Oriented EW, with dimensions 1.82 x 0.48 x 0.70m. Adult skeleton in supine position with hands parallel to the torso and head to the E. Perfume jar found with the burial.
Grave 12: sarcophagus, oriented EW with dimensions 0.90 x 0.36 x 0.32m. Infant skull in poor condition and to the E a second skull and skeleton in supine position (skeleton length 0.73m). A third skull and arm bones of a child were also found. The second burial was associated with a Late Corinthian kotyle and two miniature kotylai. The third burial had a trefoil handmade oinoskos.
Grave 13: sarcophagus, oriented EW, with dimensions 2 x 0.56 x 0.45m. Two adult skeletons in supine position with hands parallel to the torso, and heads pointing E. One was in the centre of the sarcophagus, and the other to the S. Three aryballos shaped lekythoi with red paint. 4th century B.C.
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 74-7
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