Troizen - 2009
Troizen, Troizin, Damalas
Troizen, rural road to I.M. Kecharitomenis Theotokou. Maria Giannopoulou (ΚΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of seven graves 350m S of the bridge over the Koumoundouros stream.
Grave A, jar burial, oriented EW, with dimensions 1.23 x 0.38m. Skeleton in supine position with head to W.
Graves B and Γ, jar burials, oriented EW. Disturbed.
Grave Δ, jar burial, oriented SW, with dimensions 1.65 x 0.50m. NE section was separated from the rest by a line of tiles, and contained two skeletons.
Grave E, jar burial, oriented EW, with dimensions 0.65 x 0.40m.
Grave ΣΤ, jar burial, oriented SW, with dimensions 0.85 x 0.30m. Skeleton in supine position.
Grave Z, cist grave, oriented EW, with dimensions 2.10 x 1.60m, and interior depth of 0.95m. Two disturbed adult burials with skulls to W. In SW corner there was a Late Roman trefoil amphora.
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 348
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