Salamis - 2009
Salamina, Salamis
Salamis, Neorioi Street, O.T.82, property of E. Papageorgiou. Andromache Kapetanopoulou (ΚΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of six Geometric period graves, two wells, a large pit with refuse material (Pit 1), two smaller pits (Pits 2 and 3), and two sections of wall (Walls 1 and 2). The wells, pits, and two walls date to the Classical period. Finds were located at a higher level, while the south section of the trench reached a depth of -0.70/-0.80m. In this area there was a layer of natural off-white stone, into which Graves 6 and 3 were cut.
Grave 1: Cist grave, oriented EW, 2.20 x 0.55m, depth between -0.85m and -1.26m. Only the stones on the S side survive. Bones of the skull survived (placed at the E end) and thighs. Finds included trefoil oinochoe and clay conical spindle whorl.
Grave 2: Shaft grave, oriented NS, 2 x 0.58m, depth between -0.77m and -1.30m. The cover, made of flat stones, survived only in the north section. Part of the covering of the grave was removed during the Classical period for the construction of the well. The floor of the grave was covered in a pebble surface.
Grave 3: Cist grave, oriented EW, 1.70 x 0.40/0.60m, depth between -0.50m and -1.13m. Outside the N and E sides stones of a small enclosure survived, while the soil between the enclosure and the grave wall was filled with pebbles. Ten Geometric period vessels were found inside, one iron rod and fragments from two bronze buckles.
Grave 4: Cist grave, oriented EW, 2.50 x 0.45/0.50m, depth between -0.48m and -1.25m. A section of worked flat stone survived in the east part of the grave. Eight Geometric period vessels were found, and other fragments belonging to another vessel. A conical stone spindle whorl was also found.
Grave 5: Shaft grave, oriented NS, depth between -0.95m and -1.50m. Covered by three stones. A trefoil oinochoe was found inside, a kantharos, and a Geometric period skyphos. In the S of the grave, some fragmentary bones survived in situ, with the head oriented S. Three vessels were found underneath. It is unclear whether bones found above the head are in situ and come from an earlier burial which was disturbed in the construction of Pit 1 in the Classical period.
Grave 6: Cist grave, oriented NS, 2 x 0.45m, depth between -1.06m and -1.45m. The floor was covered with pebbles, and large stones were found outside the grave.
Well 1: Preserved under half of the adjacent wall, with diameter 1.5m at top and 1.80m at base, and 1.2m deep. A large assemblage of Classical period sherds, two worked stones and a spindle whorl.
Well 2: Located 1.10m E of Well 1, with diameter 1.50m and cut into the natural rock.
Pit 1: Circular in shape with a maximum diameter of 3m and depth of -1.16m. Filled with many stones and a large quantity of sherds.
Pit 2: 2.40m in diameter with a depth of -1.05m; filled with a few sherds and a lead nail.
Pit 3: 1m in diameter with a depth of -0.90m;illed with sherds and a few stones.
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 334-6
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