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Papadiokambos. C. Sophianou (ΚΔ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports on fieldwork at this M harbour town between the Mirabello and Siteia bays.
The excavation and conservation of house A.1 at the W end of the settlement was completed, and a ground-penetrating radar survey of the surrounding yard undertaken (Fig. 1). Ten rooms were uncovered on the ground floor (ca. 80−90% of the original plan): the undisturbed collapsed upper storey will allow for an unusually detailed understanding of the layout and contents of the upstairs rooms. House A.1 has 2 architectural phases, the 2nd of which is LMIB, though probably not as late as the F LMIB phase identified at other sites in E Crete. The 1st phase of the house, dated to MMIIIB/LMIA, ended with the Theran eruption.
In area B, trenches were opened in house B.1, 150m SE of area A. House B.1 is a more impressive construction than house A.1, both in terms of its architecture and the finds, which include a copper ingot fragment and a pithos stamped 10 times with 2 different seals.
All visible walls were mapped in areas B, C and D, which probably includes the centre and E end of the M town (Fig. 1). The town appears to cover 4−8ha. Geological studies were aimed at reconstructing the BA landscape and the geological and tectonic events that may have been factors in the destruction and preservation of the site. In area D, waves have exposed a thick layer of tephra from the BA Theran eruption, which covers M walls and pottery.
The first stage of the pottery study of house A.1 has been completed. Samples were collected from all ceramic and many stone objects (600 artefacts) and 100 samples chosen for the final organic residue study. More than 400 soil flotation samples have now been sorted and studied. House A.1 produced an exceptional record for the preparation and consumption of shellfish and fish, while soil samples from the hearths and jars from houses A.1 and B.1 contain a rich collection of carbonized plant remains (olive, legumes, grape, fig and almond). Preliminary studies of the artefacts and ecofacts suggest that the inhabitants produced small amounts of olive oil and wine in the houses.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
Unpublished field report, C. Sophianou
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Date de création
2010-03-10 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-04 08:47:41