Likouria Kalabryton - 2010
Likouria Kalabryton, Agia Varvara (property of M. Papangeli). Georgia Alexopoulou (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that in the W part of the Papangeli property in the village of Likouria, poor architectural remains were found. In particular, a corner formed by Wall 1 and Wall 3. A third wall (Wall 2) with N-S orientation intersected with Wall 1. On the inner side of Wall 1 and Wall 2, there were significant vestiges of burning. Fragments of utilitarian undecorated pottery and tiles of Byzantine date were found, as well as a few sherds of the Late Roman period. Despite the fact that the evidence is patchy, it is important for the topography of the site during the late Roman and Byzantine periods.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 915.
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