Gremoulias Chelmou Kalavryton - 2010
Gremoulias Chelmou Kalavryton. Georgia Alexopoulou (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on continuing excavations, namely the opening 4 squares in 2010. The first square ΙΖ/2010 (divided into an E and W trench) was opened between the E narrow side of the temple and the altar towards the S. After the fill was removed, architectural members of poros stone and crystallised limestone that belong to the first building phase of the monument were uncovered in the W part of the square (Fig. 1). The 2nd square ΙΗ/2010 between the space E of the E side of the temple and the altar yielded no architectural remains. In both the previous trenches no pottery was found except a few sherds of fine pottery that are dated in the 4th and 3rd c. BC. Also discovered were several iron spear heads, bronze laurel leaves, bronze foils, and a few fragments of Laconian roof tiles.
One more square ΙΘ/2010 was opened inside the W side of the temple (Fig. 2). Two stones that were part of the W wall of the cella were discovered. The length of the W wall of the cella is 6.50 m. A few sherds and also a few fragments of roof tiles and several spear heads were found.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 913-914.
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