Sunevro - 2010
Sunevro, Property of Arg. Messia. Christina A. Katsarou (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on rescue excavations in the NW part of the property that discovered remains of the EHII were found. In particular in the NW part of the property an area with storage pithoi was found (Fig. 1), with NE-SW direction. Two curved walls (Walls 1 and 2) enclose the storage space to the N, S, and W. Wall 6 defines the E side. All walls have the same masonry. There are 8 large pithoi and pithamphorae (jars) that occupy the S part of the space. The space was floored with clay and plaster, and inside there were also some fragments of smaller closed vessels and 2 complete small jugs and 1 in fragments. Also 1 obsidian flake and 1 flint flake were found.
In the W corner of the property, a pyre and burnt clay were found. A destruction layer was found to the NE of the storage space. The antiquities continue outside the property and they are perhaps part of a larger workshop complex that is related to agriculture and animal husbandry of a prehistoric settlement.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 911-912.
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