Trapeza Aigiou - 2010
Trapeza Aigiou, Property of I. Androutsopoulos. Andreas G Bordas (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that in this property on the W edge of the Trapeza plateau dense remains of walls and ground plans of the ancient city have been located, perhaps revealing urban insula of large dimensions. A 2 x 2 m trench revealed parts of the external walls of 2 buildings, perhaps houses. They are divided by a street. Inside the walls, there were floors made of river pebbles inserted in a layer of lime plaster. The small finds include utilitarian pottery and loom weights, and are dated in the late Classical period. The foundations of this building disturbed deeper levels. A large rectangular pit contained sherds of the Archaic period, bones, charcoal, and plant remains mixed with clayey and silty heavy “impasto” elements. Perhaps they came from the disintegration of mudbricks. These remains are above the deepest archaeological layer which is clayey and yielded a few sherds of the Geometric period.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 909-910.
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