Vrachnaiika-Tsoukalaiika - 2010
Peirou-Parapeirou Dam, Vrachnaiika-Tsoukalaiika. Vasileos Argyropoulos (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of 3 vaulted drains in the settlement of Tsoukalaiika of similar construction to those found in 2009. Along the length of the Patras-Pyrgos old national road from the location of “Anemomylos” Tsoukalaiika to Roïtika, 8 such drains were found (Fig. 1), all were perpendicular to the road, had a N-S orientation and followed the natural inclination of the ground. They were probably constructed in 1870.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 899.
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