Vrachnaiika - 2010
Peirou-Parapeirou Dam, Vrachnaiika.. Vasileos Argyropoulos (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery, in the trench for a water pipe on the old national road 239 between Patras and Pyrgos, of the SW part of a Roman grave peribolos. It is made with conglomerate stone and binding mortar. Two graves were excavated inside the peribolos. Grave 1 (tile, E-W): decayed skeletal remains, no grave goods. Grave 2 (cist, N-S): built with bricks and mortar; the perimeter of the grave was dressed with stones on the outside; no cover was detected. There were the remains of 4 deceased in Grave 2 that were pushed to the side and a fifth skeleton, probably of young age, was buried with head to the N. Grave goods: Roman unguentarium.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 897-898.
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