Kato Achaia - 2010
Kato Achaia
Kato Achaia, Fleming St (O.T. 94, property of P. Oikonomopoulos). Vasiliki Tsaknaki (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that in the S part of the property an ancient road with E-W orientation was found (8 m visible with width 2.40 m) (Figs. 1-2). There is a second road surface at a deeper level. Along the N side of the road a line of quadrangular and triangular sandstones defining the pavement were found. The limit of the pavement to the N is destroyed by a channel that has the same orientation as the pavement. To the N of the pavement along the W of the property a mosaic floor was discovered (Floor 1). The floor was destroyed by Channel 2 that is similar to the first channel and has an E-W direction. Another channel (Channel 3) extends along the E side of the floor. The channels are probably foundation trenches of ancient walls. Three metres to the N of the pavement and in contact with Channel 3, Floor 2 was discovered.
Wall 2 of a building adjacent to the street on the E side of the property was found and to this building Walls 5-8 also belong. Between Wall 5 and 8 at the S limit of the property, part of a mosaic floor was discovered (Floor 3). The remains are of the middle-late Hellenistic period and channels for vine cultivation were discovered in places throughout the plot (E-W orientation).
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 892-894.
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