Kato Achaia - 2010
Kato Achaia
Kato Achaia, 25th March St (property of I and A Zanni). Lamprini Papakosta (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that in the middle of the property remains of a wall built with conglomerate stones was found. There were 2 entrances in the wall. Remains of a parallel wall to the W made of sandstone blocks preserved in bad condition was also found. Between the two there is a perpendicular wall made of unworked small and medium sized stones and mud. This wall lies between 2 destruction layers. Various other small segments of walls were discovered on the property but without any relation to each other. In the NE corner a well was discovered. The remains are dated to the Hellenistic period.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 890.
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