Patras - 2010
Patra, Patras, Patrai, Patrae
Patras, 62-64 Cheilonos Patreos and Charalampi Streets. Lamprini Papakosta (ΣΤ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on architectural remains of the late Roman period that formed the foundations of a modern building of the previous century. A central drain with E-W direction was discovered (7.62 m x 0.93 m). The interior of the drain was made with small unworked stones, tile fragments, and hard coarse plaster (αμμοκονία). The external sides of the drain were covered with a thick layer of small unworked stones and white hard coarse plaster. Probably this drain ran below a street, which is no longer extant. Only part of the substratum of the street remains, consisting of a dense layer of small tiles at the E extremity of the drain. Along the S side of the drain, remnants of two areas that form a single open space were found, the surface of which was covered by mosaics with geometric decoration. One of the two spaces still preserves threshold blocks at the entrance. At the SE of the property there is a corridor with mosaic decoration that had the same width as the threshold. The centre of the open space was destroyed by a later circular construction, probably a deposit of the Byzantine period, and this most likely also destroyed the main central decoration of the mosaic. On the N side of the drain, remains of a building complex were found of the Late Roman period.
Among the finds were 32 bronze coins, a fragment of a marble relief depicting Pegasus, loom weights, vessels with relief decoration, and many clay vessel lids.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 877-878.
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