Kladas Spartis - 2011
Kladas Spartis, Property of P. Galata. Giorgos Tsiangouris (Ε ΕΠΚΑ) reports that a wall with E-W orientation was found in the NNE part of the property (Wall 4). To the S and parallel to Wall 4, Wall 3 was found. To the W of Wall 3, Wall 1 was located. In the NW corner of the excavation a dense layer of unworked stones of various sizes was found.
Pottery: from the N section of the property, mainly Mycenaean and Archaic pottery was collected, in particular, many fragments of Mycenaean kylikes, as well as black-glazed sherds of the Archaic period. Many fragments of black-glazed roof tiles that probably belong to the buildings of which Walls 3 and 4 are remnants. Finally, a fusiform unguentarium of the Hellenistic period and a fragment of a glass object of the Roman period were found.
The area was flooded at some point.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 184.
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