Charisi Spartis - 2011
Charisi Spartis, Bizaniou Street (O.T. 254, property of the company Katsaris Atke). Giorgos Tsiangouris (Ε ΕΠΚΑ) reports on building remains scattered over the property. Two walls that perhaps form a peribolos in the NNW and central part of the property (Walls 2, 3). During the revealing of the N face of Wall 3, a few black-glazed sherds of the early 5th c. BC were found and the head of a Psi-type figurine of the Mycenaean period. Two parallel walls (5, 6) with N-S direction were discovered within the space defined by the peribolos. They belong to an earlier building phase. From this phase a few sherds of black-glazed pottery mainly from the 5th c. were found, while a few sherds of the 6th c., 4th c., and Hellenistic period were also discovered. In the NE section of the property, a drystone wall (Wall 1) with N-S direction was found and also Wall 9. Pottery found between Walls 1 and 9 was a few black-glazed sherds of the Archaic period as well as a fragment of a stem of a Mycenaean kylix. A deposit was found to the NE of Wall 1 that contained mainly black-glazed pottery of the 5th c., and a sherd from a kylix of the 6th c. BC and a sherd of a red-figure pot were collected. In the SW corner, an ancient street with E-W direction was located. The N side of the street is defined by a drystone wall (Wall 4). On the street surface a few black-glazed sherds of the 6th c. were found. A shallow pit grave of an adult with head to the E was located in the street surface and attached to Wall 4.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 183-184.
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