Sparta - 2011
Sparta, Chamaretou Street (O.T. 55, property of N. Sourli). Dimitrios Blachakos and Afroditi Maltezou (Ε ΕΠΚΑ) report on the discovery of 2 parallel walls founded in the bedrock with N-S orientation. To the N of the W wall large fragments of tiles, perhaps from a tile grave, were found and also a pit grave to the W was investigated. It is not certain if these two walls defined a street. They are probably the continuation to the N of a structure that has been discovered in the Katsari property to the N.
To the W of the walls, a fill over the bedrock contained bones, pottery fragments, among which were 2 skyphoi, and a layer of ash. Much pottery of Late Hellenistic and Roman period was collected.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 180
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