Sparta - 2011
Sparta, Kallikratida Street (OT 131, property of A. Koutsari – M. Theofilakou and A and D Papadopoulou). Christina Kakourou (Ε ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the discovery of antiquities from the Protogeometric to the Late Roman period. A large part of the Koutsari property is occupied by a mosaic floor (Fig 1; 13.10 x 14.50 m) made from small white, black and red tiles. It combines figural, geometric, and vegetative decoration. To the E of the central scene there is a signature of the artist: ΕΥΟΔΟΣ ΕΠΟΙΕΙ. It is dated by the technique, inscription, and coins in the fill above it to the Hellenistic-Early Roman periods.
During the late Roman periods, a channel was opened for the transit of a water pipe perpendicular to the length of the mosaic dividing it into 2 parts. From the structures, fill, and destruction layers that were removed to reveal the mosaic, a large number of stone architectural members, pyramidal loom weights without suspension lugs, fragments of acroteria with a central bust surrounded by volutes, and much pottery was found. The architectural remains do not seem to be related to the mosaic floor. Probably from the same time as the mosaic is part of the top section of Wall 1. Most of the rest are dated to various building phases in the Hellenistic period. Perhaps a few sections belong to the Archaic period. A grave with grave goods of the Protogeometric period was found. An extensive destruction layer to the N of the mosaic probably dates to the same period as the mosaic.
Also found were architectural remains of part of an atrium of a Roman villa that was discovered in the neighbouring property of M. Floros.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 178-179
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