Sparta - 2011
Sparta, Intersection of Thermopylae and Simonidis Streets (O.T. 57, property of A. and D. Vlita). Afroditi Maltezou (Ε ΕΠΚΑ) reports on excavations in the N part of the property that uncovered a Roman wall (N/NW-S/SE orientation) that belongs to a building that probably extended towards the NE. Close to the SW face of Wall 1, the N/NW part of a cist grave was found. It was constructed from bricks and mortar. Three more graves were found S of Wall 1. Grave 2, the northernmost one contained disturbed bones, vestiges of burning/cremation, and the spout of a Late Hellenistic lamp. Each grave contained an adult, they were in supine position with head towards the SSE. Grave 3 contained a bone pin.
In the NW face of the excavation trench, a deposit of irregular shape was found that extended beyond the excavation area. Pottery of the Hellenistic and Roman period was collected.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 165.
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