Ancient Thouria - 2011
Ancient Thouria, Ellenika. Xeni Arapogianni (ΛΗ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on a short excavation on the property of P. Krika. A section of a large retaining wall with E-W orientation was found (Fig. 1). Trial trenches were opened N of the retaining wall because there were many signs that antiquities were there.
Trench 1: there was no clear stratigraphy. A large quantity of Roman sherds were collected along with tiles, animal bones, glass fragments, and iron objects, thus giving the impression of a deposit. A special find is part of a clay sima with plant decoration in relief. A fluted column drum was visible prior to excavation (found not to be in situ upon investigation).
Trench 2: NW of Trench 1, again with no clear stratigraphy. A fluted column (not in situ) was recovered. In the N face of the trench, a slightly curved limestone slab with 2 circular cuttings was located. This probably comes from the superstructure or base of a circular building.
The finds suggest that there was a large public building in the area.
On the property A. Tsagkli, 100 m SE of the above property, a large rectangular building was discovered with a paved floor (Fig. 2). Probably this was an unroofed open building. A shallow water channel runs around the building. Much pottery of the Hellenistic period was collected and sections architectural members were found in second use in the surrounding areas.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 260-262.
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