Aipeia - 2011
Aipeia, church of Agios Nikolaos. Michali Kappas (26th EBA) reports on the discovery of 2 coins of the 2nd period of Venetian rule and a Turkish coin that were found above the fallen building material of the superstructure of the abandoned church during its cleaning. The coins show that the abandonment of the church occurred several centuries ago. Among the superficial finds was a medieval iron fibula.
During the excavation of the chapel next to the church, a female burial was discovered along with a built cist grave containing a male burial. The only object inside the latter grave was an elaborate bronze fibula (Fig 1-3). The chapel was constructed after the cist grave and deliberately included it in its space.
The most interesting find of the excavation was the recovery of a large section of the S fallen wall of the church with cloisonné masonry (Fig. 4).
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 66 (2011), Chr., 297-298.
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