Petalidi - 2010
Petalidi (Property of S. Christopoulos). Konstantina Gerolymou (26th EBA) reports on renewed excavations on a property that lies close to the coastal road to the S of the settlement. Previously a miniature column with integrated capital had been found. In 1992, in trial trenches, a large amount of pottery of the Roman and Early Christian period was found (Figs. 1-3), but no architectural remains. In the N of the property and in contact with public space close to the coastal road there is a section of a retaining wall of the Ottoman period (?) constructed from unworked stones, tile fragments, and bricks. This year a new trial trench in the N of the property was dug and Late Roman and early Christian pottery was found, along with three small early Christian coins. These finds suggest a nearby settlement of the same period that is yet to be found.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 771-772.
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